Along with improving curb appeal, proper exterior maintenance of your home is an important and proactive approach to ward against certain issues and devastating damage. With the options for home exterior maintenance ever-growing, it’s more important than ever to understand the different methods, and when they work best.
Among many of the popular methods of home exterior maintenance, soft washing has become an increasingly popular form. With power washing carrying risk of damage if not practiced correctly, soft washing is a safer option for those who aren’t experienced in power washing or those who want a gentler method of exterior home maintenance.
Soft washing relies on a low-pressure washing technique coupled with detergents, bleach, and other chemicals that help clean and ward against organic stains, mildew, and algae. The typical solution used when soft washing is water, bleach, and some form of surfactant. This type of solution allows someone to safely clean the exterior of their homes or buildings without risking damage or destruction. The particularity of the solution makes this an ideal method for certain forms of cleaning. Initially, soft washing was used to remove algae stains and clean algae off exterior surfaces, such as shingles, which is why the soft washing method is especially prevalent in humid and hot climates. Upkeep and maintenance of shingled roofs is especially important for maintaining the integrity of the house’s structure. Preserving these shingles and maintaining them without risking damage is what drove the invention of the soft washing system.
Having the correct soft washing equipment is key to ensuring a thorough and complete clean. One of the calling cards of soft washing, especially when compared to power washing is the use of a wider tip on the cleaning application. By utilizing a wider tip, the PSI, or pressure of the water coming from the applicator will lessen; in order to be considered soft washing, the PSI must be below 500. After applying the solution to the exterior of your home, the solution must sit for 15-20 minutes. The sitting time is incredibly important to allow the cleaner to take full effect and to ensure a complete clean. After the cleaner has sat for the appropriate amount of time, also known as dwell time, a technician uses the soft washing equipment to spray the low pressurized water on the exterior to fully rinse off the cleaner. Though, soft washing is considered a less risky form of exterior maintenance, there are a few things you need to watch out for. Plants and shrubbery are especially susceptible to being damaged or harmed by the soft washing process. Due to the heavy reliance on chemicals, as well as the dwell time which can allow for the chemicals to drip or droop, plants are shrubbery that are near, or touching the exterior surface fun the risk of harm and damage. As with all forms of home maintenance, it’s important to take into consideration your specific need, including exterior material, time, etc. when choosing a procedure.
Reach out to us today at Go Kleen Texas for a free quote! (512-227-9227)